Professional of the Year - Solar Energy

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Karen L. Gable

Title: Energy Advisor
Industry: Solar Energy
Type of Organization: Solar Energy Company
Major Product/Service: Sales of solar energy including all of the engineering, permitting, installation, inspections and powering up the system; Providing all necessary paperwork for all the state incentives
Expertise: Mrs. Gable has over 35 years' experience. She currently provides expert advice on energy efficiency and clean energy to customers in order to support them in increasing the value of their home, saving money and the planet.
Geographic Area of Distribution: Maryland, West Virginia
University/Degree: B.A., Sociology, Mount Saint Mary's University; M.S.W., Catholic University
Born: April 19
Hobbies/Sports: Cats, dogs, boating, walking, photography, outdoors, Planet Fitness, music festivals, concerts, travel
Spouse: Jerome Jochum
Married: January 28, 2022
Children: Jessica Panek
Work History: Mrs. Gable spent over 30 years working with patients, organizations, families, children and teenagers on ropes courses providing team building. She also serves as a volunteer firefighter. She has been a solar energy advisor for the past 3 1/2 years.
Career Accomplishments: Mrs. Gable was in the top 8% of solar sales in the US in 2022. She sold over 3 million dollars in solar her second year.